Superintendent Documents
Student Assessment
Identification Timeline
This is sample timeline for the G/T identification process.
Public Announcement for GT Referral
This is a sample notification to announce the dates for the G/T referral process.
Possible Testing Instruments for G/T Identification
This is a list of qualitative testing instruments that can be used for G/T screening.
Service Design
G/T Services Description K-12
This is a sample description of how a district is serving the needs of G/T identified students.
G/T Services Budget
This is a sample budget that reflects how a district might spend its G/T funds.
G/T Interdisciplinary Studies/Mentor Seminar I-IV
This is a course description of an independent study class at the secondary level.
Suggested Steps to Begin an Independent Mentorship Program
These are steps to on how begin an independent study mentorship class.
Curriculum and Instruction
G/T Curriculum Framework K-6
This is a sample G/T curriculum framework for grades K–5.
Professional Development
PD Outline for 30 Hours
This is a sample description of the content that Mockingbird ISD wants their teachers to receive from the 30 hours of G/T training.
G/T Credit Document
This is a document that districts use to help determine if they will give teachers 6 hours of G/T credit for a professional development.
Guiding Questions for Program Review
These are questions to guide a district as they evaluate their G/T services.
G/T Service Description K-12
This is a sample description of how a district is serving the needs of G/T-identified students. (This document is the same as the document in Service Design, 1S)